Shayne Ward - Until You (Audio)


Myself 💦

Hello 😊

👱 My name is Pawitchaya Sukram.
👱 You can call me Deem.
👱 My birthday is 27 December 1997.
👱 I am 20 years old.
👱 I study English Education at NSTRU.

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How is CAI implemented?

      Teachers should review the computer program or the online activity or game to understand the context of the lessons and determine which ones fit the needs of their students and how they may enhance instruction. 😉😉😉

  • Can this program supplement the lesson, give basic skills practice, or be used as an educational reward for students?
  • Is the material presented so that students will remain interested yet not lose valuable instruction time trying to figure out how to operate the program? Does the program waste time with too much animation?
  • Is the program at the correct level for the class or the individual student?
  • Does this program do what the teacher wants it to do (help students organize the writing, speed up the writing process, or allow students to hear what they wrote for editing purposes)?
    Teachers should also review all Web sites and links immediately before directing students to them. Web addresses and links frequently change and become inactive. Students might become frustrated when links are no longer available. 😁😁😁

    Writing programs are beneficial to writing instruction because they allow students to learn in a variety of ways and can speed up the writing process. With proper training, students can learn to focus on the message instead of the mechanics. 😄😄😄

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Week 12

Three Phases of CALL 💬


✋Behavioristic CALL

    The first phase of CALL, conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and '70s, was based on the then-dominant behaviorist theories of learning. Programs of this phase entailed repetitive language drills and can be referred to as "drill and practice" (or, more pejoratively, as "drill and kill").

     Drill and practice courseware is based on the model of computer as tutor (Taylor 1980). In other words the computer serves as a vehicle for delivering instructional materials to the student. The rationale behind drill and practice was not totally spurious, which explains in part the fact that CALL drills are still used today. Briefly put, that rationale is as follows:
  • Repeated exposure to the same material is beneficial or even essential to learning
  • A computer is ideal for carrying out repeated drills, since the machine does not get bored with presenting the same material and since it can provide immediate non-judgmental feedback
  • A computer can present such material on an individualized basis, allowing students to proceed at their own pace and freeing up class time for other activities

✋Communicative CALL
     The second phase of CALL was based on the communicative approach to teaching which became prominent in the 1970s and 80s. Proponents of this approach felt that the drill and practice programs of the previous decade did not allow enough authentic communication to be of much value.
     One of the main advocates of this new approach was John Underwood, who in 1984 proposed a series of "Premises for 'Communicative' CALL" (Underwood 1984:52). According to Underwood, communicative CALL:
  • focuses more on using forms rather than on the forms themselves.
  • teaches grammar implicitly rather than explicitly.
  • allows and encourages students to generate original utterances rather than just manipulate prefabricated language.
  • does not judge and evaluate everything the students nor reward them with congratulatory messages, lights, or bells.
  • avoids telling students they are wrong and is flexible to a variety of student responses.
  • uses the target language exclusively and creates an environment in which using the target language feels natural, both on and off the screen.
  • will never try to do anything that a book can do just as well.

✋Integrative CALL

     The third phase of CALL, started in the 1990s. It was developed in an effort to address some criticisms of the communicative approach by both integrating the teaching of four language skills into tasks to provide direction and coherence and the development of multimedia technology. 

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Week 11

Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand: Overview

Attapol Khamkhien
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

     CALL has emerged as a tempting alternative to traditional modes of supplementing or replacing direct student-teacher interaction, such as the language laboratory or audio-tape-based self-study.

     CALL can be generally categorized based on three teaching methodologies dominant in ELT:

1. Behavioristic CALL is recognized as the first phase of CALL.
2. Communicative CALL provides student learn and practice by using game activities.
3. Integrative CALL: students learn how to use a variety of technological tools as part of an ongoing process of language learning and use, rather than visiting the computer lab on a once a week basis for isolated exercises. 

👉 Advantages of CALL in Language Learning

- Support in language learning provides students with the authenticity of the input.
- CALL helps encourage foreign language learners to produce comprehensible output.
- The students can repeat their lesson at anytime and anywhere they want in order to understand the whole lesson more thoroughly.
- CALL can provide the facility to design the learning activities in tasks and to accomplish the learning objectives in the first instance.
- Learner-centered classes can be promoted by CALL.

👉 Disadvantages of CALL in Language Learning

- Given that the limited exposure to the target language input produced  by native speakers might be compensated by the presence of the Thai teachers in an English classroom.
- They might not feel at ease to adjust their teaching and learning styles and relatively rigid curriculum for CALL authentic activities. 

💁 Educational CALL Program and ELT in Thailand

     With the arrival of the internet, the computer has been transformed from a tool for information procession and display to a tool  for information processing and communication. 


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Week 10

The elements of CAI

😁 Texts
Texts have a several style that have the different in front, size, and color.
↪ Style
↪ Front
↪ Size
↪ Color 

😁 Sounds
Sounds that we use with computer have a 3 type that is voice, music, and sound effect.
Voice: It's maybe a sound for lecture or conversation that use in the lesson.
Music: It's maybe a rhythm of musical instrument.
Sound Effect:It's maybe a special sound for make CAI is interesting more. such as a sound of a car. 

😁 Pictures

😁 Animation

😁 Hypermedia  or Hyper graphic 

👧 The elements for CAI lesson

1. Title
2. Instruction
3. Objective
4. Main Menu
5. Pre-Test
6. Information
7. Post-Test
8. Summary-Application 

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Week 9

A principles to Design of CAI

CAI design process.
There are 7 steps.  
👉 1. Preparation
👉 2. Design Instruction
👉 3. Flowchart Lesson
👉 4. Create Storyboard 
👉 5. Program Lesson
👉 6. Produce Supporting Materials 
👉 7. Evaluate and Revise

Screen design of lesson. 

👉 Resolution of the monitor
👉 Using color
👉 The layout of the screen 

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Week 8

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)

     A self-learning technique, usually offline/online, involving interaction of the student with programmed instructional materials.
     Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place.

😁 Types of CAI
1. Drill-and-practice Drill and practice provide opportunities or students to repeatedly practice the skills that have previously been presented and that further practice is necessary for mastery.
2. Tutorial Tutorial activity includes both the presentation of information and its extension into different forms of work, including drill and practice, games and simulation.
3. Games Game software often creates a contest to achieve the highest score and either beat others or beat the computer.
4. Simulation Simulation software can provide an approximation of reality that does not require the expense of real life or its risks.
5. Discovery Discovery approach provides a large database of information specific to a course or content area and challenges the learner to analyze, compare, infer and evaluate based on their explorations of the data.
6. Problem Solving This approach helps children develop specific problem solving skills and strategies.

😁 Advantages of CAI
• one-to-one interaction
• great motivator
• freedom to experiment with different options
• multimedia helps to understand difficult concepts through multi sensory approach
• self directed learning – students can decide when, where, and what to learn

😁 Disadvantages of CAI
• may feel overwhelmed by the information and resources available
• over use of multimedia may divert the attention from the content
• learning becomes too mechanical
• non availability of good CAI packages
• lack of infrastructure

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